Because of the SuperCup game on Tuesday our next home game will take place at an unusual time, on Friday from 6 pm, in which we host BKG PRIMA NATURA Szigetszentmiklós.
Following their rookie year Szogetszentkilós went into the current season with one year of experience behind them. They hosted DVTK, who made it to the group phase in Euroleague Women - to which we hereby say congratulations. They lost, however, despite the 63-78 loss they had some good periods, and got the maximum out of the game, what's more, with their zone defense applied after the break they gave the red and white team a really hard time. They made csata fight hard on the road as well, but the difference in quality of the rosters showed against Győr and Szekszárd already. They are in a tough position, because our club also has a higher quality, but they can surely make use of the experience they had gained in these games in the future.
Our team has been progressing on the path of team building step by step. Another piece of the mosaic might fall into place on Friday, since World Championship Bronze medalist Ezi Magbegor, who has already witnessed Tuesday's game from the bench can make her debut on the team. With her our center position will get even stronger, from which only Betti Határ is missing, who is advancing well with her rehab. Also, those who "helped our" in the paint can return to their original position.
We asked Alice Kunek about her expectations before the game.
Tickets to the game can be purchased at the venue for 1800 HUF.
Because of the SuperCup game on Tuesday our next home game will take place at an unusual time, on Friday from 6 pm, in which we host BKG PRIMA NATURA Szigetszentmiklós
A jövő keddi Szuper Kupa mérkőzés miatt szokatlan időpontban, pénteken 18 órakor kerül sor a következő hazai bajnoki mérkőzésünkre, melyen a BKG PRIMA NATURA Szigetszentmiklóst fogadjuk
The board of our club has great experience in managing difficulties, but we are facing an especially huge challenge in terms of functioning due to the energy crisis, as well as on a professional level, since Courtney Vandersloot is for now unable to join our team due to personal reasons
Klubunk vezetésének nagy tapasztalata van már a nehézségek menedzselése terén, de most különösen nagy kihívások elé nézünk a működés tekintetében az energia-válság miatt, illetve szakmai vonalon is, miután személyes okok miatt Vandersloot Courtney egyelőre nem tud csatlakozni a keretünkhöz