Euroleague Women classic for the SuperCup Women title
One year, nine months and one day. That is how much time went by since our last visit to Bourges.
A lot has changed since then, but there is something that is constant, the weather. We travelled by bus in melancholic weather in Paris that time as well, which was the case on Monday early in the afternoon. We got happier, though, when we realized rhat we are not about to go to a temporary 5-day "prison" in a bubble, and we can step on the court in front of the basketball enthusiastic local fans amd those from Sopron in the spectavular Prado. Even if that means that the pressure of 5000 French fans will weigh down on our shoulders. Of course those who can win a Euroleague Women title in the heated Turkish arena, there isn't anybody or anything to fear.
Our team, that is getting ready for their 30th consecutive international campaign, occupied Europe's throne in April to a huge surprise, while Tango Bourges Basket conquered EuroCup Women at home leaving their rivals no chance. One of these two sided can put another trophy into their collection, the SuperCup Women trophy. Two such champions fave off against each other who have spent the most seasons in Euroleague Women. A true classic!
We asked our head coach Dávid Gáspár in connection with the game, that will be broadcast live by M4 Sport.
Because of the SuperCup game on Tuesday our next home game will take place at an unusual time, on Friday from 6 pm, in which we host BKG PRIMA NATURA Szigetszentmiklós
A jövő keddi Szuper Kupa mérkőzés miatt szokatlan időpontban, pénteken 18 órakor kerül sor a következő hazai bajnoki mérkőzésünkre, melyen a BKG PRIMA NATURA Szigetszentmiklóst fogadjuk
The board of our club has great experience in managing difficulties, but we are facing an especially huge challenge in terms of functioning due to the energy crisis, as well as on a professional level, since Courtney Vandersloot is for now unable to join our team due to personal reasons
Klubunk vezetésének nagy tapasztalata van már a nehézségek menedzselése terén, de most különösen nagy kihívások elé nézünk a működés tekintetében az energia-válság miatt, illetve szakmai vonalon is, miután személyes okok miatt Vandersloot Courtney egyelőre nem tud csatlakozni a keretünkhöz