Keresés:     2025 március 28. péntek

Let's kick off Saturday afternoon together!

Science Sopron KC are also playing on Saturday afternoon in Novomatic Aréna, we await our fans right after lunch, from 2.30 pm for the league game against Vasas Akadémia.

Our guests are currently 9th on the table with a 1-4 record, but that should not mislead anyone, because they have a really tough series of games behind them. They played against DVTK, Győr and Szekszárd. They gave the last two a really hard time. Last time PEAC took the points away from Pasarét with a 64-52 victory, however, they got to celebrate after the clash against Csata on opening night. They are a massive team, with a conscious building process, from whom we can expect a serious resistance at the weekend as well. That is not a problem at all, because Euroleague Women regular season starts next week, and a big challenge would come in handy ahead of the tour to Belgium. We could see it in Bourges as well that there is still work to do in terms of team building, but like previous years, we still believe that our hard and patient work will pay off at the end of the season.

We asked Vivien Böröndy about her expectations before the game.

Tickets to the game can be purchased at the venue for 1800 HUF.

Sopron vs. Vasas

37 games
36 win/ 1 losses
3206 points scored/ 1883 conceded

Online statistic


- 2022-10-21

[ Nyomtatható verzió ]

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